
About Me

I am a fourth year PhD student at the University of Texas at Austin advised by Dr. Joydeep Biswas. I am interested in perception for long-term autonomous robots. My research is at the intersection of long-term localization and SLAM approaches and semantic scene understanding. I was awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship in 2022.

In 2016, I graduated from WPI with a double major in Computer Science and Robotics Engineering. Prior to joining the PhD program at UT in 2020, I worked at Amazon Robotics as a software development engineer. While on the Robotic Navigation team at Amazon, I developed cloud services for enabling robot navigation within Amazon warehouses. Later, on the Autonomous Mobility team, I investigated SLAM solutions for an autonomous mobile robot operating in the highly dynamic warehouse environment. I completed my Master’s degree at UT in May 2023.

In my spare time, I like to cook, do yoga, and walk dogs at the local animal shelter.